Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nelson Art

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Camp Mimi - The Kids
Friday, August 29, 2008
John - South Padre - 8/29/08
Monday, August 25, 2008
Avery's 1st Day of 3rd Grade!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Jules N' Mimi

Here's a picture of my mother-in-law (Mimi) and I at Bronwyn's shower. I couldn't have gotten luckier in the M-I-L department! She loves me, I love her and I'm very lucky to have her in my life. What I like most about Mimi is that I can talk to her like a friend and she has always made me feel so welcome and loved in her family.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer
My friend Amy was right! This is an awesome series of books written by Stephanie Myer (http://www.stephaniemeyer.com/). It's basically a love story between a girl and a vampire. Sounds kind of wierd, but it's really awesome. You get all the feelings when you read this book: romance, suspense, nervousness, anger...etc. When you read it, you really feel like you are a part of these characters. It's hard to keep my attention in a book unless it's really really good...and I can't put this book down! Here's the order of the series...I suggest you go buy them now if you haven't already!
1) Twilight 2) New Moon 3) Eclipse 4) Breaking Dawn
One more thing to add...there is a movie coming out in December for Twilight...so you must read it before then!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
John at Willie Nelson Concert
Ray Lamantagne Coming 10/23 - Houston

John John
Tricia, Lori, Jules

The girls came up to see Lori for her birthday weekend in Corpus Christi. We had so much fun at the beach, at Lori's bungalow and our crazy night out! I vow to have many of these kind of weekends from this day forward. I love being home and I also love getting away and bonding with my favorite female friends now and again! Some things just can't be said with boys around...

July 4th 2008

Edinburgh Castle
At the end of May my company sent me to Scotland for two weeks. I have to admit I felt like I was on vacation more than I was on a business trip. We did accomplish all we set out to do (business-wise) but we also got in lots of play time. We were lucky to be there through a weekend, which allowed us to take a train to Edinburgh for the day. That was amazing. Edinburgh was beautiful, especially from the very top of the Castle where we could see the entire city and ocean. Such an amazing experience. I also enjoyed the train ride in itself. All you see the whole time from Aberdeen to Edinburgh is coastline and rolling green hills. Breathtaking!!!
Surboard In Flames
John's Latest Creation
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cindy Loo Who
Avery, Ellis and Destiny
Tough Avery
Uncle John and Elizabeth
Silly Ave and Silly Ian
Pretty Avery
John and Avery

Pretty Patricia

My Husband


Kids Are A Blessing
My Girls

Super Surfer and Boogie Boy To The Rescue
Just Getting Started
I always like to document life, moments, pictures, etc so I thought I'd try blogging for a change.
If you don't find this blog interesting then it's real easy to click on the little x in your top right hand corner to exit. I promise I won't be offended. For those of you who choose to stay, I hope you will enjoy what I have to share.
"One of the best ways to educate our hearts is to look at our interaction with other people, because our relationships with others are fundamentally a reflection of our relationship with ourselves"