Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kids Are A Blessing

This is a picture of my two neices Ellis and Maddie (on the ends) and my step-daughter Avery in the middle. I love all the girls so much! Ellis and Maddie are the same age. I've been watching them grow up for awhile, which seems to be happening very fast! They are both extemely smart, sweet and deep thinking kids. I almost forget they are kids when they are around because their intelligence is so high that they can keep up with any conversation. If I were their age, I'd look up to them! Avery is the youngest and she's one of the people in my life that keeps my heart beating. My life took on more meaning when she became a part of it. Being a stepmom can be hard at times for so many reasons but in the end it is so deeply rewarding. I didn't get to change her diapers or rock her to sleep, she will never call me mommy, I'm not always the first person she turns to when something's wrong, and I have to share her with 3 other parents...but that's okay...what's wonderful to me is that we have our own special relationship. She's a friend, a companion, someone to take care of, she loves me, respects me and enjoys being with me. I get to watch her and help her grow her entire childhood. I can teach her the things I have done wrong and right so she knows how to make good decisions as she gets older. Having a young person in your life, whether they are yours or not, is definitely blessing. I think you learn just as much from them as they do from you. There are a million reasons why I'm lucky to be Avery's step-mom. And look how darn cute she is!!!

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