Monday, September 7, 2009

It's been awhile since I have made a post. I figured since I am home on Labor Day and have nothing pressing to do, this would be a good time. I am 5 weeks from my delivery date and I am super excited, nervous, and anxious all at the same time. I am good with kids, but have zero baby experience so this is going to be a major learning experience for me. Luckily my husband has done the whole "baby thing" before with Avery, so hopefully all his skills will come back and he can teach me. I have to say, this pregnancy has gone by very fast. In the beginning it seemed like it would be a lifetime of being pregnant, and now the baby is almost here!

I have totally enjoyed this year. Knowing that God gave us a gift and trusted me to carry her for 10 months and take care of her for the rest of our lives. So amazing! I also feel blessed to have John and Avery in my life right now. They have been so wonderful to me, supportive, helpful, amazing family while I've gone through all my crazy pregnancy issues. For example, when I get out of the car, Avery stands next to my door to make sure I can get out ok. She offers to help me all the time so I don't strain myself and hurt the baby. She told me the other day that life wouldn't be the same without me in it. I just about melted. Although it is hard getting my husband to do regular chores, he's amazing when it comes to doing projects....and we have a lot of those. I've been asking for all sorts of things lately and this week he was on the ball. I think it is his way of nesting. He installed shelving for me in the laundry room, organized the pantry, put a hook in closet for the ironing board, stayed up all night long painting the baby's room, installed three fans and three light fixtures! Not sure what lit the fire in his pants, but it's really sweet that he did all that. It's not just them doing things for me that makes me happy. It just makes me happy that they enjoy finding ways to make me feel special, just like I do for them.

John and I are having fun enjoying our last days together with "just us". We have been spending mucho quality time together watching movies, sitting on the couch just talking about life, going to dinner, running errands. Don't get me wrong, we drive each other crazy sometimes, but we are also best friends. I hope that we can always have that, even with a new baby coming along. The same goes with Avery. We have really been enjoying our last days with just her. She's such an amazing kid that I think the adjustment will go smoothly for her, but I do worry about her feelings and want her to be happy. With all these silly little worries, I know that our Faith in God will help us make it work out just right!

Anyway, that's what has been on my mind lately! Lots going on and lots of exciting moments ahead of us! I'll keep you posted!